Social Justice

Instead Of “Snap Back”, Let’s Rethink Work - Green Institute
Economy, Featured, Social Justice

Instead Of “Snap Back”, Let’s Rethink Work

Lockdown in my household saw my partner and me working harder than ever, on endless Zoom meetings, frantically redesigning events and teaching for the online world, stuck in our home with two teenagers doing all their studying, socialising and extracurricular activities on video calls. It was noisy and chaotic, and it pushed our bandwidth to the limit, both literally and... Read More

, 4 years ago

Featured, Peace, Social Justice

Lethal Weapons: The Violent Politics Of Australian Defence Policy

It was hard to miss, and that was kind of the point. As if to really ram home the “potency” argument made in the PM’s press release, the front page of Wednesday’s Daily Telegraph featured a turgid surface-to-air missile, flanked by two smaller silver missiles, ejaculated from somewhere in the far north of South Australia. It didn’t really matter that... Read More

by , 4 years ago

Why We Need a Decolonial Ecology
Environment, Featured, Social Justice

Why We Need a Decolonial Ecology

As Malcom Ferdinand explains, environmental destruction is inseparable from relationships of racial and colonial domination. It stems from the way we inhabit Earth, from our sense of entitlement in appropriating the planet. All of which means we must recast the past. His book, Une écologie décoloniale (A Decolonial Ecology), won the Foundation for Political Ecology literature prize in 2019. In this conversation,... Read More

, 4 years ago

Social Justice

Was Keneally’s Migration Diatribe Fair Dinkum Racist?

Greens Councillor Jonathan Sri from Brisbane argues that regardless of whether Kristina Keneally is racist herself, her views of immigration will bolster a racist system. Perhaps unsurprisingly, a few people have taken issue with my suggestion that Labor Senator Kristina Keneally’s opinion piece about immigration was advancing racist arguments. I shouldn’t need to start with this disclaimer, but: No, just... Read More

by , 4 years ago

Was Keneally’s Migration Diatribe Fair Dinkum Racist?

Staying Together While Keeping Apart During COVID-19: Part Two
Social Justice

Staying Together While Keeping Apart During COVID-19: Part Two

In light of the Coronavirus pandemic and the rapid shift to physical distancing the Green Institute hosted a webinar on 19 March 2020 titled Staying Together While Keeping Apart. Green Agenda is now publishing transcripts of the speakers of the webinar. This week we are publishing the talks from Millie Rooney, Meg Clark, Tim Hollo and Natalie Osborne. Read Part... Read More

, , and , 4 years ago

Culture, Economy, Social Justice

Staying Together While Keeping Apart During COVID-19: Part One

In light of the Coronavirus pandemic and the rapid shift to physical distancing the Green Institute hosted a webinar on 19 March 2020 titled Staying Together While Keeping Apart. Green Agenda is now publishing transcripts of the speakers of the webinar. This week we are publishing the talks from Nicola Paris, Tim Lo Surdo and El Gibbs. Read Part Two.... Read More

by , and , 4 years ago

Staying Together While Keeping Apart During COVID-19

COVID-19: Militarise or Organise?
Peace, Social Justice

COVID-19: Militarise Or Organise?

This is a re-post of a blog originally published by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. Please see here for more salient commentary in their series on COVID-19. In the last week as cities around the world have entered into lockdown, and as fear of the many uncertainties associated with our latest global crisis mount, some people have... Read More

, 4 years ago

Environment, Peace, Social Justice

Post-COVID: Will Our Better Angels Prevail?

I know I shouldn’t sit up late at night scrolling through the 24-hour coronavirus news coverage. I know reading countless horror stories about those impacted by the pandemic only makes me unnecessarily anxious, yet I do it anyway. While my biggest concern is for those losing their lives and loved ones to the virus, what also strikes me is that... Read More

by , 4 years ago

Post-COVID: Will Our Better Angels Prevail?

Staying Connected During The Coronavirus Pandemic
Economy, Social Justice

Staying Connected During The Coronavirus Pandemic

In light of the Coronavirus pandemic and the rapid shift to physical distancing the Green Institute hosted a webinar on 19 March 2020 titled Staying Together While Keeping Apart. Green Agenda is now publishing transcripts of the speakers of the webinar. To start we are publishing the presentation from Holly Hammond, who argues that to get through this we need... Read More

, 4 years ago

Democracy, Economy, Social Justice

Going Beyond Waged Labour

Elise Klein provided a keynote address at the Green Institute conference, Reclaiming Democracy, in 2019. In this talk she discusses the need to think beyond waged labour, seeing it as an institution that is not democratic and never will be. Introduction I want to begin by acknowledging that we meet on the unceded lands of the Ngunnawal, and pay my... Read More

by , 4 years ago

Going Beyond Waged Labour | Green Agenda