Webinar: Into The Fire

Webinar - Into The Fire - Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Summer Edition 2021 - Image of silhouette of people walking into a blazing fire.

Webinar: 8pm AEDT, Wednesday 10 March 2021

Over the Summer of 2019-2020 huge fires burned across Australia, taking lives, destroying people’s homes, and devastating our environment. It was a time many of us will never forget. 
Despite glimmers of hope for change though, a year on it seems many of our leaders have not learnt from these events. Our politicians have continued with the destructive and extractive politics that fuelled these fires on their devastating paths. While fire in many ways defines us, we at the same time refuse to learn from it.
Join three contributors of the Green Agenda Summer Edition – Lina Koleilat, Dodie Henderson, and Queensland Greens MP Amy MacMahon –  for a discussion about how fire defines us and what we can learn from it. The speakers will share further insights from their work, and engage with each other, on climate change, international politics, and parliamentary and activist avenues for change.

Watch back the recording below:

Webinar: 8pm AEDT, Wednesday 10 March 2021

Be part of the big conversation: Into The Fire! To register for the event, book your ticket below.

Green Agenda Summer Edition 2021 will be available late February.

Full bursaries are available. Email event organiser (email listed below) with your request.

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