Green Agenda 2024:2

Culture, Democracy, Economy, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:2
The right to repair
From repair cafés to policy reform, Canberra has been at the forefront of the right to repair movement in so called Australia. In this contribution for Green Agenda, Matthew Rimmer shows how local activists and the ACT Greens have pushed for change, while federal policy trails behind global progress. With other countries now taking the lead, Rimmer calls for the... Read More
Democracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:2, Social Justice, Theory
Not a commodity, climate justice
A dominant view of climate justice advocates for richer nations to pay developing ones to do the work of “solving” climate change. But this renders climate justice a mere commodity, and perpetuates the longstanding global division of labour, class disparity, and the north-south flow of value. [...]
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Culture, Democracy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:2, Social Justice
Esperance’s struggle: Confronting racism in rural Australia
On a cold wintry evening in June, a group of people, mostly “wadjelas”, whitefellas like me, have gathered within a small, corrugated iron clad building to show support for an Aboriginal community that is under siege. I assume that those attending are, as I am, disappointed by recent events that have exposed the outwardly racist nature of the place we... Read More
Culture, Democracy, Green Agenda 2024:2, Peace, Social Justice, Theory
Facilitating change: consensus, collaboration and participatory politics
We need to make our democracy work for us. We need to change it so that it is more participatory. Former Green Senator Janet Rice reflects on her decade bringing facilitation and consensus-building skills to the politics of parliament. [...]
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Culture, Democracy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:2, Peace, Social Justice, Theory
No regrets
Brad Homewood and Violet CoCo are climate activists and organisers with Extinction Rebellion. They recently served two months in prison for blocking the West Gate Bridge in Naarm/Melbourne to sound the alarm on the climate emergency. [...]
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