Social Justice

Jobs, Justice And A Liveable World: The Green New Deal And Electoral Politics - Emerald Moon
Democracy, Economy, Social Justice

Jobs, Justice And A Liveable World: The Green New Deal And Electoral Politics

On August 29, 2019 the UQ Greens, alongside QLD Greens MP Michael Berkman hosted the forum ‘Jobs, Justice & a Liveable World: A Green New Deal for Australia’. Looking at the leadership being provided around the world on the issue, this panel asked the question what might a Green New Deal look like in Australia? With permission from the organisers Green... Read More

, 4 years ago

Culture, Democracy, Environment, Social Justice

Hope, Fear, Needing And Grieving: New Year’s Eve 2020 At Malua Bay

“Who will mend us? How will we mend?” In this piece, originally published on Valerie Braithwaite’s blog, Professor Valerie Braithwaite reflects on her experience of the 2020 bushfires on the south coast of NSW. [On Friday 3 January, 2020] I was one of the thousands who left the NSW south coast via Bega and Cooma, heading home to Canberra. Like... Read More

by , 5 years ago

Hope, Fear, Needing And Grieving: New Year’s Eve 2020 At Malua Bay

Jobs, Justice And A Liveable World: Urban Planning In A Green New Deal
Democracy, Environment, Social Justice

Jobs, Justice And A Liveable World: Urban Planning In A Green New Deal

On August 29, 2019 the UQ Greens, alongside QLD Greens MP Michael Berkman hosted the forum ‘Jobs, Justice & a Liveable World: A Green New Deal for Australia’. Looking at the leadership being provided around the world on the issue, this panel asked the question what might a Green New Deal look like in Australia? With permission from the organisers Green... Read More

, 5 years ago

Democracy, Economy, Social Justice

Jobs, Justice And A Liveable World: For A Job Guarantee

On August 29, 2019 the UQ Greens, alongside QLD Greens MP Michael Berkman hosted the forum ‘Jobs, Justice & a Liveable World: A Green New Deal for Australia’. Looking at the leadership being provided around the world on the issue, this panel asked the question what might a Green New Deal look like in Australia? With permission from the organisers Green... Read More

by and , 5 years ago

Jobs, Justice And A Liveable World: For A Job Guarantee

Protecting Our Right To Peaceful Dissent In The Face Of Climate Breakdown
Democracy, Environment, Peace, Social Justice

Protecting Our Right To Peaceful Dissent In The Face Of Climate Breakdown

It is difficult to overstate the importance and influence of disruptive, peaceful protest and non-violent direct action in social change. On countless issues like women’s rights, LGBTIQ+ rights, justice for First Nations people, rights for workers, or campaigns against racism and xenophobia, large-scale protest, including disruption and direct action have been an essential ingredient of success. Globally, recent months have... Read More

, 5 years ago

Culture, Environment, Social Justice

Do Nuclear-Powered Electrons Have Balls? Hyper-Masculine Domination VS Ecological Politics

There’s been a flurry of stories recently about men apparently choosing not to recycle, or carry reusable shopping bags, because they’re worried people might question their sexuality. The reporting is based on research by Janet K. Swim, a professor of psychology at Penn State University, studying the perception of certain pro-environmental behaviours as having a particular gendered nature. She did... Read More

by , 5 years ago

Do Nuclear-Powered Electrons Have Balls? Hyper-Masculine Domination VS Ecological Politics

Lessons From The Election Part 2: Unions And The Environment Movement
Economy, Environment, Social Justice

Lessons From The Election Part 2: Unions And The Environment Movement

There has been significant debate over both the role of unions and the environment movement in the 2019 Australian Federal Election. Godfrey Moase argues the two need to work more closely if we want to see action on climate change. This is the second part of a two part series on lessons for social movements following the 2019 Australian Federal... Read More

, 5 years ago

Democracy, Peace, Social Justice

Politics Of Peace And Patience

Dr Frank Habineza is the President of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, who in September 2018 was elected as one of two Greens MPs in the Rwandan national Parliament. In October 2018, former Australian Greens Senator Scott Ludlam caught up with him in Kigali, Rwanda’s capital, to hear his extraordinary story of persecution, exile and electoral success. [...]

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by and , 5 years ago

Politics Of Peace And Patience - Frank Habineza

Lessons For Social Movements From The Federal Election
Democracy, Social Justice

Lessons For Social Movements From The Federal Election

This is the first in a two part essay on lessons for social movements arising from the 2019 federal Australian election. Read part two here. I felt empty on the night of May 18th when Labor lost the election. I had driven into Trades Hall for the Victorian union movement’s election night celebration. It was with bracing sobriety that I... Read More

, 5 years ago

Economy, Social Justice

The Divine Right Of Capital In Australia Today: Corporations, Community Interests, The Body Politic And The Natural Environment

There is a long and distinguished list of academic contributors to a large body of literature which addresses the question—what makes capitalist democracies work better/best/optimally? Some of the preconditions established in that literature are: that taxes/subsidies address externalities (1); that property rights are respected, contracts are well understood and cheaply, honestly and easily enforced; and that ‘stewards’ (for example, elected... Read More

by , 5 years ago

The Divine Right Of Capital In Australia Today: Corporations, Community Interests, The Body Politic And The Natural Environment