
Not passive victims: Indigenous Australians respond to climate change - Kakadu National Park
Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Spring 2021

Not passive victims: Indigenous Australians respond to climate change

This piece was originally published in Foreground. Climate change poses both direct and indirect threats to the socio-economic, institutional and environmental systems of the world’s Indigenous populations. Australia is no exception. Yet through the formation of political alliances and establishment of on-country initiatives Indigenous Australians have been leading the way in the development of climate adaptation responses. Firstly, there are a range... Read More

, 3 years ago

Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Spring 2021

The Answer is in the Landscape

Around the world farmers and other land managers are taking up practices that regenerate soil, restore landscapes and restore water systems. Interest and activity in landscape scale change is growing quickly. Governments are coming on board with funding and projects. Corporations are actively taking part or funding others to meet their emissions offsets. These activities all work toward reducing or... Read More

by , 3 years ago

The Answer is in the Landscape - Potato field - Gippsland Australia

The youth climate movement gives us hope for the future - Fridays for Future
Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Spring 2021

Strike action: The youth climate movement gives us hope for the future

In 1896 Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius first predicted that changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels could alter the surface temperature of the earth through the greenhouse effect in a seminal paper. 125 years later this alarming prediction has become a reality and activists worldwide have been fighting for real climate action. School Strike 4 Climate (SS4C), is a climate group... Read More

and , 3 years ago

Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Spring 2021

Community hope fuels government action

The Greenest government in Australia’s history sits in the heart of Canberra. We have set a net-zero emissions target for 2045. We are powered by 100% renewable electricity. We are phasing out the use of fossil-fuel gas, incentivising the uptake of electric vehicles and changing the building code to require more climate resilient housing and workplaces. This isn’t just a... Read More

by , 3 years ago

Majura Solar Farm and Majura Parkway - Community Hope Fuels Government Action in Canberra

Countering climate doomism - an interview with Ketan Joshi
Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Spring 2021

Countering climate doomism – an interview with Ketan Joshi

Ketan Joshi is a writer, analyst, communications consultant and author with a focus on climate change and energy. He worked in the renewable energy industry for about eight years, doing operational monitoring, data analysis, community engagement and corporate communications. He’s also worked in data science and innovation communications at Australia’s national science agency. In this interview Green Agenda co-editor Simon... Read More

and , 3 years ago

Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Spring 2021, Peace

Plan E: A climate-centred security strategy?

It is timely that Green Agenda consider the issue of hope, because the circumstances humanity and the living planet face in 2021 are dire.  At the time of the Glasgow climate summit, the world finds itself facing three types of security crises:  Planetary security is threatened by the Climate Emergency; the sixth extinction event; and the precariousness of other planetary... Read More

by , 3 years ago

Plan E: A climate-centred security strategy?

Dissent within the contested transitions of the ecological endgame
Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Winter 2021

Dissent within the contested transitions of the ecological endgame

Our collective progressive dissent over the deepening ecological crisis is at a political crossroads. The recent IPCC report confirms that the pace and form of global responses to the emergency are manifestly inadequate. This is highlighted by a multitude of alarming accelerated feedback loops, like the Amazon having transitioned into becoming a net emitter of carbon. Certainly we can point... Read More

, 3 years ago

Culture, Democracy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Winter 2021, Social Justice

Policing dissent, enforcing consent

You can’t do it that way! When Extinction Rebellion protesters spray-painted “duty of care” across the front of Parliament House the morning after the latest IPCC Report was released, drawing national and international attention to the fact that the Minister for the Environment is appealing a court decision finding she actually has a legal duty of care to future generations... Read More

by , 3 years ago

On Dissent - Green Agenda - Extinction Rebellion - Duty Of Care Canberra action - Parliament House

Security for the Big Polluters: Plantation forestry for carbon offset delays action on climate
Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Autumn 2021

Security for the Big Polluters: Plantation forestry for carbon offset delays action on climate

There is now growing acceptance – even amongst some of the most ardent of once anti-environmentalists – on the need for urgent action to curb global greenhouse gas emissions, stabilise the earth’s atmosphere, and limit the worst effects of global climate chaos. At the United Nations climate negotiations, a disparate group of nation states, First Nations, civil society, and along... Read More

, 3 years ago

Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Summer 2021, Social Justice

Green Agenda Summer 2021: Into the Fire

As I sit in my study writing this piece, I look outside to the trees in our street and the clean Canberra air. It is a far cry from what it was like just over a year ago. From November 2019 to February 2020 our beautiful city was shrouded in smoke. With fires to our north, east and west, we... Read More

by , 3 years ago

Green Agenda Summer 2021: Into the Fire