
Do Nuclear-Powered Electrons Have Balls? Hyper-Masculine Domination VS Ecological Politics
Culture, Environment, Social Justice

Do Nuclear-Powered Electrons Have Balls? Hyper-Masculine Domination VS Ecological Politics

There’s been a flurry of stories recently about men apparently choosing not to recycle, or carry reusable shopping bags, because they’re worried people might question their sexuality. The reporting is based on research by Janet K. Swim, a professor of psychology at Penn State University, studying the perception of certain pro-environmental behaviours as having a particular gendered nature. She did... Read More

, 5 years ago

Culture, Environment, Social Justice

Balginjirr “A Special Place On Our Home River Country”!

We are pleased to share with you this incredible poem by Dr. Anne Poelina, part of the Green Institute Report ‘Rebalancing Rights: Communities, Corporatations and Nature’. I came home to our river country, our place… our space… today. I stood at your grave site and recall the first night when I came back to my mother’s land, and now I... Read More

by , 5 years ago

Balginjirr “A Special Place On Our Home River Country”!

#MeToo And The Challenges Of Solving Sexual Violence: An Interview With Dr Tanya Serisier
Culture, Social Justice

#MeToo And The Challenges Of Solving Sexual Violence: An Interview With Dr Tanya Serisier

In a wide-ranging interview, the feminist academic Tanya Serisier, spoke to Green Agenda editor, Simon Copland, about the #MeToo movement; the history of campaigns against sexual assault; issues related to the politics of consent; and the challenges and complexities of solving sexual violence. [...]

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and , 6 years ago

Culture, Social Justice

Can Art Really Make A Difference?

Can art really make a difference? In this article republished from The Conversation, Associate Professor Joanna Mendelssohn argues that in the creation of art, we can challenge assumed knowledge and power and “awaken the conscience of the world”, acting as witnesses to crimes against people and the environment, and enabling others to view the world differently. [...]

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by , 7 years ago

Can Art Really Make A Difference?

Green Agenda - Cambridge Analytica
Culture, Democracy, Social Justice

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Analytica?

The extraordinary revelations from the Observer/Channel 4 investigation into the practices of the digital marketing firm Cambridge Analytica have, like many a great internet controversy, produced great outrage but few answers or ways forward. People are rightly horrified at the prospect of such comprehensive personal information being used to manipulate them by the million, but also daunted by the task... Read More

, 7 years ago

Culture, Democracy, Social Justice

Lost In The Numbers: The Missing Politics Of Big Data

Everyone encounters big data: via social media, financial transactions and public transport. Although all of these things are useful and fascinating, they simultaneously arouse feelings of discomfort: how far does the – largely invisible – influence of all of these data collections reach? In this article republished from Green European Journal, they interview Marleen Stikker, an expert who has been... Read More

by , , and , 7 years ago

Culture, Democracy, Social Justice

Turned Upside Down: Fake News And The Future Of The Media

A revolution is taking place in our communication. Across the world, structures have collapsed because of their dependence on a funding model that no longer works. This has allowed new digital platforms to expand their reach ever further, and to tighten their grip on the information we circulate and are exposed to. Fake news is thriving in this new media... Read More

and , 7 years ago

Culture, Environment, Social Justice

It is everyone’s forest

Australia’s magnificent biodiverse and carbon-dense public native forests are facing a critical moment. The catalyst being the state by state re-evaluation of the 20 year old Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs), over the next two years. [...]

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by , 7 years ago

Culture, Environment

Protecting Country: First Nations People And Climate Justice

Green Agenda’s Simon Copland recently interview Larissa Baldwin, the national co-director of the Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network. Simon and Larissa spoke about the indigenous climate movement and how it connects to broader questions of colonialism and land rights. [...]

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and , 8 years ago

Culture, Economy, Social Justice

Goin’ where the weather suits my clothes

On the 9th December, 2016, the Green Institute published the paper Can Less Work be More Fair: a discussion paper on Universal Basic Income and Shorter Working Week. As part of this release Green Agenda will be republishing a number of essay from the paper. The third paper we are publishing is from Louise Tarrant, “Goin’ where the weather suits my clothes“.... Read More

by , 8 years ago