Articles by

Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Two, Social Justice

Election Diary – Never say never

Sunday, 15 May Just under a week until the election and, I have to say, it’s interesting how many people are currently asking me how I am going. Truth is, I am doing well. I have been a preselected candidate now for over a year. That’s been a long, arduous year so only having a week to go feels like... Read More

by , 2 years ago

Culture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Winter 2021, Social Justice

Show up and make noise: We must reject all attacks on our right to dissent

I’ve relayed this story many times over the years: the first rally I remember going to was in May 1988 when I was ten years old. At that time, my family lived in Canberra. My family attended the rally under the guise of attending something else – the day marked the official opening of the “new Parliament House” and government-planned... Read More

by Celeste Liddle , 3 years ago

Show up and make noise: We must reject all attacks on our right to dissent