Social Justice

Culture, Democracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:3 - Visions & Movements, Social Justice, Virtual Issue

Visioning futures

If, in the future, we would like to be able to safely house climate refugees in our neighbourhoods, what do we need to be agitating for now? What needs to change in how we understand housing, property, and the right to safe shelter? What do we need to unlearn in settler-colonial entitlement and domination, what racism and xenophobia must we... Read More

and , 1 year ago

Culture, Democracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:2 - On Living Democracy, Social Justice, Theory

Like futurology

There’s something about Tim Hollo’s Living Democracy: An ecological manifesto for the end of the world as we know it, that feels like that, like futurology. So I want to talk about the end of the world and liberation amid its end and about the kind of ecological politics that may help us get us past it. All this is... Read More

by , 1 year ago

Culture, Democracy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:2 - On Living Democracy, Social Justice, Theory

A New Common Sense

It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime. Living Democracy presents us with a powerful framework to think about where we have come from, where we want to go, and how to get there. Once we can see and believe, change can happen quite quickly. [...]

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, 1 year ago

Culture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:2 - On Living Democracy, Social Justice, Theory

Changing what’s possible, living democracy 

Tim Hollo and Anthony James of the RegenNarration podcast explore in conversation the power of community to shape politics, and the stories that nurture Living Democracy. [...]

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by and , 1 year ago

Culture, Democracy, Green Agenda 2023:2 - On Living Democracy, Social Justice, Theory

The multitudes at the margins

When I read Living Democracy and the uplifting and hopeful possibilities contained in Barcelona en Comú and the general assemblies in Rojava, I’m reminded that we are currently so far away from this it’s hard to see the path there. [...]

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, 1 year ago

Culture, Democracy, Economy, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:2 - On Living Democracy, Social Justice

Living democracy: not a blueprint, but a pathway

I am 72 years old, so I have seen the highs and lows of many progressive mass movements. Tim Hollo's optimistic but realistic outlook in Living Democracy fits closely with my own beliefs. We are clearly living through a period of massive industry and workplace transition in response to the climate catastrophe. This is the reality that campaigners and activists... Read More

by , 1 year ago

Democracy, Green Agenda Journal 2023: Volume One, Social Justice

From arts to politics

Before I got into politics, I worked as an artist, making large scale public artworks for museums and galleries around the world, drawing people into the conversation about how to create the world that we want to live in.  In 2014 I was invited to exhibit in the Sydney Biennale. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. The grand final... Read More

, 1 year ago

Culture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2023: Volume One, Social Justice, Theory

Transforming towards living

Are we changing politics more than politics is changing us? It’s a question we rarely ask ourselves in any kind of formal way. But it’s one that more and more members and supporters are asking, when confronted by the vast gulf between politics-as-usual and the ecological, economic, social and political crises we face. [...]

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by , 2 years ago

Culture, Democracy, Featured, Social Justice

The radical potential of Brisbane City Council

It’s no accident that so many Brisbanites think local government is mostly just about fixing potholes and building playgrounds. Power-holders find it convenient to perpetuate the narrative that councils are merely local service providers with limited political relevance, because it helps justify anti-democratic moves to take more power away from local communities, while reducing public scrutiny of the many big,... Read More

, 2 years ago

Culture, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Three, Social Justice, Theory

The ends of work

Country, place, grassroots organising, anti-work, First Law, biodiversity, degrowth, post-capitalism, nature, community, art, basic income and Indigenous sovereignty.  Taken together these terms point to the shifting ecology of work as we rethink the ways in which work may sustain life in flourishing ways – as we situate work within the web of life. For this issue of Green Agenda we... Read More

by , 2 years ago

Ends Of Work - Green Agenda Journal Volume 3