Articles by

Culture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:1, Social Justice

Facilitating change: consensus, collaboration and participatory politics

We need to make our democracy work for us. We need to change it so that it is more participatory. Former Green Senator Janet Rice reflects on her decade bringing facilitation and consensus-building skills to the politics of parliament. [...]


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by , 4 weeks ago

Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Two

Election Diary – The future is Green

21 May, 8am. Footscray High School. Wurundjeri Country. There’s already a significant queue as I arrive. I position myself near the front of the queue and start talking. I love polling booths with queues. Other Greens volunteers have already offered people a how to vote card further down the line, so my job is to talk. I have handed out... Read More

by Janet Rice , 2 years ago

Image description: New and past Greens Senators: Janet Rice, Larissa Waters, Dorinda Cox, Christine Milne, Bob Brown, Mehreen Saeed Faruqi