Culture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:3, Theory
Beyond the far-right
Seeing the rise of the far-right through the lens of anti-establishment sentiment reveals why current strategies fail. Mainstream responses that defend the political order or adopt right-wing positions will only accelerate their decline. [...]
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... Read MoreDemocracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:2, Social Justice, Theory
Not a commodity, climate justice
A dominant view of climate justice advocates for richer nations to pay developing ones to do the work of “solving” climate change. But this renders climate justice a mere commodity, and perpetuates the longstanding global division of labour, class disparity, and the north-south flow of value. [...]
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... Read MoreCulture, Democracy, Green Agenda 2024:2, Peace, Social Justice, Theory
Facilitating change: consensus, collaboration and participatory politics
We need to make our democracy work for us. We need to change it so that it is more participatory. Former Green Senator Janet Rice reflects on her decade bringing facilitation and consensus-building skills to the politics of parliament. [...]
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... Read MoreCulture, Democracy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:2, Peace, Social Justice, Theory
No regrets
Brad Homewood and Violet CoCo are climate activists and organisers with Extinction Rebellion. They recently served two months in prison for blocking the West Gate Bridge in Naarm/Melbourne to sound the alarm on the climate emergency. [...]
... Read MoreCulture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:3 - Visions & Movements, Social Justice, Theory, Virtual Issue
Crisis, resistance, and the lure of liberal nation-building
Writing together as activist scholars, as people committed to thinking about the practice of collective struggle, we consider Sri Lanka's landscape of state crisis, popular resistance, and liberal reform. [...]
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... Read MoreDemocracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:3 - Visions & Movements, Social Justice, Theory, Virtual Issue
Sustainable materialism as political action
Are these kinds of movements the solution to all of our troubles? Absolutely not. Do the mainly white western environmental activists doing this work think it’s everything? Of course not. But are sustainable materialist movements politically valuable? Absolutely. For this project I wanted to examine positive everyday practices, possibilities already being lived, grounded imaginaries, visions for a future that are... Read More
Culture, Democracy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:3 - Visions & Movements, Peace, Social Justice, Theory, Virtual Issue
From disruption to destruction
"What is it going to take?" I know your job seems important right now. I know your 'clean record' so you can still fly overseas seems important now (not that it actually stops anyone from travelling, so far). I know that police are scary, the state is scary. I know, I have been arrested 33 times now. [...]
Culture, Democracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:2 - On Living Democracy, Social Justice, Theory
Like futurology
There’s something about Tim Hollo’s Living Democracy: An ecological manifesto for the end of the world as we know it, that feels like that, like futurology. So I want to talk about the end of the world and liberation amid its end and about the kind of ecological politics that may help us get us past it. All this is... Read More
Culture, Democracy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:2 - On Living Democracy, Social Justice, Theory
A New Common Sense
It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime. Living Democracy presents us with a powerful framework to think about where we have come from, where we want to go, and how to get there. Once we can see and believe, change can happen quite quickly. [...]
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... Read MoreCulture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:2 - On Living Democracy, Social Justice, Theory
Changing what’s possible, living democracy
Tim Hollo and Anthony James of the RegenNarration podcast explore in conversation the power of community to shape politics, and the stories that nurture Living Democracy. [...]
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