Articles by

Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:1

Renewable energy: Are optimistic scenarios feasible?

Terry Leahy critically examines Mark Diesendorf and Rod Taylor's The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation, focusing on their arguments for a renewable energy transition and degrowth. Acknowledging the authors' optimism about renewables, Leahy challenges notions of an easy green transition, to argue that radical degrowth is necessary. [...]


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by , 1 month ago

Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Two

The politics of permaculture, a global movement for change

Permaculture is a social movement founded in 1978 in Australia by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. It has grown since then into a global movement for system change. While clearly a part of the broader environmentalist scene, permaculture is also distinctive in several ways. On the ground, permaculture activism is mainly connected to sustainable agriculture with a diversity of strategies... Read More

by Terry Leahy , 2 years ago

The politics of permaculture, a global movement for change