
Democracy, Economy, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Three, Social Justice, Theory

The work of grassroots organising 

The browner your skin, the dirtier the work. Chicken factories across Australia are all virtually the same. Lit by fluorescent white lights, smelling of cleaning detergent and death, and socially stratified. Afghan or African workers in the kill rooms, South Asians defeathering. Vietnamese workers in the boning room slicing cuts off carcasses. White folks in the packing room. [...]

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, 2 years ago

Culture, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Three, Social Justice, Theory

Theory of the Lanyard Class

Within the cracks of a broken system, care grows out of necessity. Nonetheless, the privileging of professionalised forms of care brings with it a disregard for the way people care for one another on a day to day basis. [...]


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by , 2 years ago

Culture, Economy, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Three, Theory

Forever work?

Persons of the future, Arthur Rimbaud's “horrible workers,” could use time saved from work to build community, theorise, be expressive, do science and train as anti-fa, not just to push back our horizons [...]


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, 2 years ago

Culture, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Three, Theory

Listen with your ear with your heart

The first translation gig I’m ever paid for is commissioned by my employers at a language school in Lausanne. The director wants me to translate a test he’s written, to be used to determine the French or English proficiency of staff at a large multinational in Geneva. [...]


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by , 2 years ago

Culture, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Three, Social Justice, Theory

Hope against hope

On the window of the café at my current place of work there is a taped A4 printed page that read “permanently closed”. There is a small injustice here, I feel distressed for the operators of an isolated hospitality business. Is this history from below? [...]


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, 2 years ago

Culture, Democracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Two, Social Justice, Theory

Green Agenda Journal 2022, Volume 2: On the Ground after the Election

For this issue of Green Agenda we welcome new critical and creative voices, writing from places where left political and ecological commitments are already making a difference. As a decade of liberal-conservative hegemony in government finally breaks, and as we shift to this new post-electoral moment, we also bring together several pieces that reflect on the federal election and the... Read More

by , 2 years ago

Green Agenda Journal 2022, Volume 2: Green Politics. On the Ground after the Election