
Culture, Democracy, Green Agenda 2024:2, Peace, Social Justice
Trump / Harris / Wong
In this critique, poet and writer Omar Sakr methodically dismantles Foreign Minister Penny Wong's attempts to gaslight the Australian public about the Commonwealth’s complicity in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians. Analysing Wong's recent opinion piece — its manipulation of timelines, false equivalencies and misinformation about Australia's military and political support for Israel. Sakr exposes how both Labor and Liberal actively enables... Read More
Culture, Democracy, Green Agenda 2024:2, Peace, Social Justice
Labor lost the Queensland election a year ago: Unpacking strategic missteps on youth crime
What might we be overlooking when we analyse how the LNP’s youth crime fear campaign spread and took hold? Elections are weird. Right until they step into the polling booth, a surprising proportion of voters are undecided, or at least open to changing their minds. But although it’s possible to shift some voters late in a campaign, candidates are also... Read More

Culture, Democracy, Green Agenda 2024:2, Peace, Social Justice, Theory
Facilitating change: consensus, collaboration and participatory politics
We need to make our democracy work for us. We need to change it so that it is more participatory. Former Green Senator Janet Rice reflects on her decade bringing facilitation and consensus-building skills to the politics of parliament. [...]
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No regrets
Brad Homewood and Violet CoCo are climate activists and organisers with Extinction Rebellion. They recently served two months in prison for blocking the West Gate Bridge in Naarm/Melbourne to sound the alarm on the climate emergency. [...]
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Culture, Democracy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:3 - Visions & Movements, Peace, Social Justice, Theory, Virtual Issue
From disruption to destruction
"What is it going to take?" I know your job seems important right now. I know your 'clean record' so you can still fly overseas seems important now (not that it actually stops anyone from travelling, so far). I know that police are scary, the state is scary. I know, I have been arrested 33 times now. [...]
Culture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:2 - On Living Democracy, Peace
We mustn’t shy away from the reality of our plight
I like the way Tim Hollo claims that it’s the end of the world as we know it, “and I feel fine.” I try to keep up with the latest from adventurous Greens, so when I heard about Tim's book I thought I’ll have to read that, immediately ordering a copy online. [...]

Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Spring 2021, Peace
Plan E: A climate-centred security strategy?
It is timely that Green Agenda consider the issue of hope, because the circumstances humanity and the living planet face in 2021 are dire. At the time of the Glasgow climate summit, the world finds itself facing three types of security crises: Planetary security is threatened by the Climate Emergency; the sixth extinction event; and the precariousness of other planetary... Read More
Culture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Winter 2021, Peace, Social Justice, Uncategorised
Too Migrant, Too Muslim, Too Loud: An interview with Mehreen Faruqi
Dr Mehreen Faruqi is the Greens Senator for New South Wales (2018 – present). Green Agenda’s co-editor Simon Copland spoke with Mehreen about her recently published memoir, Too Migrant, Too Muslim, Too Loud, and what it means to be an ‘unapologetically Brown, Muslim, migrant, feminist woman‘ in Australian politics. The transcript has been edited for clarity and brevity. Simon Copland: Thank... Read More

Culture, Economy, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Autumn 2021, Peace, Social Justice
Green Agenda Autumn 2021: On (in)security
“What’s the most dangerous place you’ve ever been?” People often ask me this question, curious because of my work. I’m a researcher and a practitioner in the protection of civilians from violence, and I have spent time in war zones and refugee camps and neighbourhoods with high rates of gun violence. At the moment, I live and work in South... Read More
Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Autumn 2021, Peace, Social Justice
Together, or not at all: An interview with Scott Ludlam
Scott Ludlam is a former Greens Senator (2008 to 2017) and served as deputy leader of the Australian Greens. He has also worked as a filmmaker, artist and graphic designer. Green Agenda’s co-editor Felicity Gray spoke with Scott about his recently published book, Full Circle, and how our understandings of security must change if we are to transcend the violence... Read More