
Culture, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2023: Volume One
Truth is essential
If a tree falls in the forest, and some people choose to not hear it, does it mean the whole forest should be OK to sell as toilet paper? [...]
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On mutual bicycle aid
Community bike workshops in Australia While the original formulation of ‘mutual aid’ by Kropotkin was radical and linked to changing political conditions, mutual aid in the voluntary sector of contemporary Australian society cuts across political positions, gender, race, and wealth. In this short article we will recount engagement with a growing movement of bike activists and volunteers who challenge consumerism... Read More

Culture, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2023: Volume One
Utopia: farming, feeding & fighting here at home
I send Ben a screenshot from Kohei Saito’s latest book Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the idea of degrowth communism: The primary goal of capitalist production is the valorization of capital above anything else. Capitalism is driven by the insatiable desire for profit-making and constantly increases the productive capacity. In contrast, in pre-capitalist societies production was conducted for the sake of... Read More
Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2023: Volume One
The end of the city
The growth of cities is inevitable so long as town planners continue to believe that the trend is inevitable and therefore fail to critically question whether it is desirable. [...]
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Culture, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Three, Social Justice, Theory
The ends of work
Country, place, grassroots organising, anti-work, First Law, biodiversity, degrowth, post-capitalism, nature, community, art, basic income and Indigenous sovereignty. Taken together these terms point to the shifting ecology of work as we rethink the ways in which work may sustain life in flourishing ways – as we situate work within the web of life. For this issue of Green Agenda we... Read More
Culture, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Three
The end of work. On a small farm near Esperance, Western Australia
It is 3.50am Perth time. I am sitting up in my bed in the house that is our home, on a small farm near Esperance, Western Australia. I am up early to write before the sun comes up and the day starts for everyone else in the house. ‘Everyone else in the house’ includes a partner who is approaching retirement... Read More

Culture, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Three
Sustainable Futures, a view from Martuwarra
Under First Law, Warloongarriy Law, the law for Martuwarra, Fitzroy River, we have a law of obligation, a duty of care and love to protect Martuwarra’s right to live and flow. [...]
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... Read MoreDemocracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Three
Who decides? The case for a Climate Jobs Guarantee
In a world of climate collapse, what and who is work for? We can’t solve the climate crisis if big business continues to decide what work we do. Instead we need to take public control of what work gets done and the conditions that we work under. A Climate Jobs Guarantee could deliver meaningful and dignified work decided by communities,... Read More

Democracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Three
Building power to dissolve power
Power won't dissolve itself. We need to dissolve it. Any political strategy towards implementing a Universal Income must work, then, to build political power. Build power… to dissolve power. [...]
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... Read MoreCulture, Democracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Journal 2022: Volume Two, Social Justice, Theory
Green Agenda Journal 2022, Volume 2: On the Ground after the Election
For this issue of Green Agenda we welcome new critical and creative voices, writing from places where left political and ecological commitments are already making a difference. As a decade of liberal-conservative hegemony in government finally breaks, and as we shift to this new post-electoral moment, we also bring together several pieces that reflect on the federal election and the... Read More