universal basic income

Going Beyond Waged Labour | Green Agenda
Democracy, Economy, Social Justice

Going Beyond Waged Labour

Elise Klein provided a keynote address at the Green Institute conference, Reclaiming Democracy, in 2019. In this talk she discusses the need to think beyond waged labour, seeing it as an institution that is not democratic and never will be. Introduction I want to begin by acknowledging that we meet on the unceded lands of the Ngunnawal, and pay my... Read More

, 5 years ago

Economy, Social Justice

Why Progressives Should Prioritise UBI Over A Job Guarantee

In 2018 there seems to be no hotter topic amongst progressives: should we have a Universal Basic Income (UBI) or a Job Guarantee? The answer is quite simple: both, obviously. There is nothing inherent in one that excludes the other and a world in which people unconditionally have their needs met alongside a clear path through which they can contribute... Read More

by , 6 years ago

Why Progressives Should Prioritise UBI Over A Job Guarantee

Economy, Environment, Social Justice

The Environmental Impacts Of UBI And A Shorter Working Week

Continuing our series on UBI: In this essay, republished from the Green Institute’s ‘Can Less Work Be More Fair?’ discussion paper on Universal Basic Income and a shorter working week, Professor Greg Marston argues that a UBI and shorter working week could play an important role in creating the conditions for a sustainable and equitable ‘good life’. [...]

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, 7 years ago

Economy, Social Justice

Basic Income Makes Basic Sense for Remote Indigenous Australia

In this essay, republished from the Green Institute’s ‘Can Less Work Be More Fair?’ discussion paper on Universal Basic Income and a shorter working week, Professor Jon Altman argues that a new Basic Income scheme has the potential to deliver remote living Indigenous people forms of alternative economy.   The employment situation in remote Indigenous Australia is a disaster. Even... Read More

by , 7 years ago

Economy, Social Justice

Why A Universal Basic Income Can Address Historic, Gender And Material Inequities

Reclaiming social value, not just material pricing Arguments for a Universal Basic Income in Australia face particular local cultural, economic and social pitfalls. Unlike many other western style democracies, the Australian welfare system of payments is noncontributory (i.e. paid out of general tax revenue), and we have no tradition of public equity entitlements. [...]

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, 7 years ago

Environment, Social Justice

An Ecological Human Settlement Theory

Responding to Tim Hollo’s article Towards Ecological Democracy Steven Liaros suggests cities as a space in which we can achieve ecological democracy. But doing so will require significant changes to the way we live in urban settlements. Introduction In Towards Ecological Democracy, Tim Hollo calls for the re-framing of the Greens political project around the principle that ‘everything is connected’. He argues... Read More

by , 7 years ago