
Culture, Democracy, Economy, Featured, Green Agenda 2025:1, Theory
Europe’s far right, mapping its class politics
While the far right shares a racist discourse, from country to country its parties represent different factions of capital, from domestic manufacturers in Hungary to hedge funds in Britain. Beneath the rhetoric of Europe’s far right we find a web of competing economic interests. For the past decade or so, the steady rise of far-right populism has been a defining... Read More
Democracy, Economy, Environment, Green Agenda 2024:3
Growing gardens on the grave of the old world – celebrating community energy
In the light of the rapid dismantling of US democratic institutions, and global certainties that rely on it, it is timely to publish this lightly edited version of a speech Green Institute Executive Director Tim Hollo presented to Totally Renewable Yackandandah [...]
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Culture, Democracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:3
Policy fails, but gardens grow
If it has occurred to the members of the Standing Committee on Agriculture that there is nothing to eat on a dead planet, they have chosen not to present that framing to government. Instead, community-based regenerative food advocates have to continue to subvert agribusiness as a form of grass-roots sustainable materialism [...]
Democracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:3, Social Justice, Theory
Not a commodity, climate justice
A dominant view of climate justice advocates for richer nations to pay developing ones to do the work of “solving” climate change. But this renders climate justice a mere commodity, and perpetuates the longstanding global division of labour, class disparity, and the north-south flow of value. [...]
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Democracy, Economy, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:3, Social Justice, Theory
Negotiating left politics in Sri Lanka: The NPP in government
Sri Lanka’s left-wing National People’s Power (NPP) coalition secured historic electoral victories in 2024, winning both the presidency and a two-thirds parliamentary majority. A victory marking the first time a formerly insurgent political force has gained state power through democratic means in the country. But as the National People’s Power coalition settles into government, their anti-corruption platform and middle-class appeal... Read More
Culture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:3, Theory
Beyond the far-right
Seeing the rise of the far-right through the lens of anti-establishment sentiment reveals why current strategies fail. Mainstream responses that defend the political order or adopt right-wing positions will only accelerate their decline. [...]
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Call for Proposals, Culture, Democracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2025:2
On forests – Call for proposals
Our upcoming themed issue focuses on forests and forest struggles across the continent. Send us your abstract or pitch by Friday 20 December. We welcome submissions from Indigenous activists and researchers, forest protectors, scholar-activists, collectives and creatives, and others working with the forest, environmental and ecological justice movements. Green Agenda publishes essays and non-fiction writing with forceful political and theoretical analysis,... Read More
Culture, Democracy, Green Agenda 2024:2, Peace, Social Justice
Trump / Harris / Wong
In this critique, poet and writer Omar Sakr methodically dismantles Foreign Minister Penny Wong's attempts to gaslight the Australian public about the Commonwealth’s complicity in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians. Analysing Wong's recent opinion piece — its manipulation of timelines, false equivalencies and misinformation about Australia's military and political support for Israel. Sakr exposes how both Labor and Liberal actively enables... Read More

Culture, Democracy, Green Agenda 2024:2, Peace, Social Justice
Labor lost the Queensland election a year ago: Unpacking strategic missteps on youth crime
What might we be overlooking when we analyse how the LNP’s youth crime fear campaign spread and took hold? Elections are weird. Right until they step into the polling booth, a surprising proportion of voters are undecided, or at least open to changing their minds. But although it’s possible to shift some voters late in a campaign, candidates are also... Read More
Culture, Democracy, Economy, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:2
The right to repair
From repair cafés to policy reform, Canberra has been at the forefront of the right to repair movement in so called Australia. In this contribution for Green Agenda, Matthew Rimmer shows how local activists and the ACT Greens have pushed for change, while federal policy trails behind global progress. With other countries now taking the lead, Rimmer calls for the... Read More