
Democracy, Peace, Social Justice
Politics Of Peace And Patience
Dr Frank Habineza is the President of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, who in September 2018 was elected as one of two Greens MPs in the Rwandan national Parliament. In October 2018, former Australian Greens Senator Scott Ludlam caught up with him in Kigali, Rwanda’s capital, to hear his extraordinary story of persecution, exile and electoral success. [...]
Peace, Social Justice
Suppression Of The Right To Protest
This paper formed part of the Green Institute Report ‘Rebalancing Rights: Communities, Corporatations and Nature’. 25 years jail for peaceful protest. That is the potential outcome from the Espionage and Foreign Interference Bill (EFI) that was introduced by the Liberals and rubber stamped by Labor in 2018. It was slammed through with such speed that the cross-benches had one hour... Read More

Peace, Social Justice
Liberation For Whom? Queer Anti-War Activism And Military Inclusion
This article was originally published on Waging Nonviolence Is all inclusion good inclusion? Mainstream LGBTQ groups like the Human Rights Campaign promote any increase in gay representation as good — even representation in some of the world’s most deadly organizations, like the U.S. military and the Central Intelligence Agency. “It’s either you’re with Trump and against trans military service, or you... Read More
Peace, Social Justice
Understanding Gaza: What, Why And How To Respond
From Friday, 30th of March this year, Palestinians in Gaza began holding weekly demonstrations. Though the protests have received some coverage in Australia, and some response from the Left, many have not understood the significant of the events, or how we can productively relate to them. [...]
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Time To Bump Peace Up The Agenda
Australia has been constantly at war for 16 years, by far the longest stretch ever. Being at war has become the normal state of affairs for us. We spend $95 million every day on war and its preparation, even though the 2016 Defence White Paper said that the prospect of another country invading Australia in the foreseeable future is remote.... Read More
Democracy, Peace, Social Justice
How Should We Respond To The Rise Of The Far-Right?
The rise of the far right in countries around the world is opening up important questions about how the left should respond. While anti-fascist groups have become active, their tactics have been criticised and debated. Following our interview with Jason Wilson on the threat of the far-right, Green Agenda presents two differing perspectives on how the left should respond to the rise... Read More

Democracy, Peace, Social Justice
The Threat Of The Far Right: Why Take It Seriously?
The recent white supremicist rally and murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, Virginia have brought attention to the rise of far right groups in the United States. The Australian journalist Jason Wilson, who now lives in Portland, has been reporting on the rise of these groups since the election of Donald Trump. Prior to attending a far-right rally hosted by... Read More
Environment, Peace
The Age of Consequences: the nexus of climate and conflict
The Age of Consequences is a documentary film exploring how climate change stressors interact with societal tensions, sparking conflict. The film unpacks how water and food shortages, drought, extreme weather, and sea-level rise function as ‘accelerants of instability’ and ‘catalysts for conflict’, with grave implications for peace and security in the 21st century The film is being shown in Australia... Read More

Democracy, Peace, Social Justice
Fairness To Fascism: Trump’s Bait And Switch
“Forgotten men and women”. “Struggling families”. “Mothers and children trapped in poverty”, not “sharing the wealth” of “the establishment”. On one reading, Donald Trump’s inauguration speech is full of left wing imagery and ideas. So much so that I have seen it explicitly suggested that it was the kind of speech that Bernie Sanders might have given. Following his rejection... Read More
Democracy, Economy, Environment, Peace, Social Justice
Coming soon…….
The what section then looks at the alternative approaches. We’re going to look at the alternatives to the economic, political and social systems of our world. What are the alternatives, what do they look like, and what is the best approach? That’s what we want to discuss here…. [...]
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