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Jobs, Justice And A Liveable World: For A Job Guarantee
Democracy, Economy, Social Justice

Jobs, Justice And A Liveable World: For A Job Guarantee

On August 29, 2019 the UQ Greens, alongside QLD Greens MP Michael Berkman hosted the forum ‘Jobs, Justice & a Liveable World: A Green New Deal for Australia’. Looking at the leadership being provided around the world on the issue, this panel asked the question what might a Green New Deal look like in Australia? With permission from the organisers Green... Read More

by and , 5 years ago

Democracy, Environment, Peace, Social Justice

Protecting Our Right To Peaceful Dissent In The Face Of Climate Breakdown

It is difficult to overstate the importance and influence of disruptive, peaceful protest and non-violent direct action in social change. On countless issues like women’s rights, LGBTIQ+ rights, justice for First Nations people, rights for workers, or campaigns against racism and xenophobia, large-scale protest, including disruption and direct action have been an essential ingredient of success. Globally, recent months have... Read More

by Michael Berkman , 5 years ago

Protecting Our Right To Peaceful Dissent In The Face Of Climate Breakdown