Articles by Clare Ozich
- Profile
- Clare has been a member of the Greens for a decade, in WA, ACT and Victoria. She worked for the federal Greens MPs for almost seven years, including as Director of Policy for both Senators Brown and Milne. Prior to working for the Greens MPs she worked as a lawyer for the trade union movement in Perth and in private practice.

What Even Is Democracy?
In October 2017 Green Agenda hosted two lively debates at the Green Institute Conference: “Everything is Connected”. This is the edited audio and transcript of the first of these discussions, titled “What Even Is Democracy?”. In this conversation, hosted by Green Agenda co-editor Simon Copland, three speakers — Clare Ozich, Stephen Healy and Joan Staples — answered key questions about the... Read More
Democracy, Social Justice
Legacy of the Russian Revolution: An interview with Bea Campbell
In a wide-ranging interview, UK writer and political commentator, Bea Campbell, spoke to Green Agenda editor, Clare Ozich, about the legacy of the Russian Revolution and communism; feminism and the end of equality; Green politics; and the current state of UK politics. [...]
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Social Justice
Community As The Antidote: Social Justice And Populism
Green Agenda editor Clare Ozich participated in a discussion on social justice and populism at a Conversation Salon organised and moderated by Muslim feminist and social justice advocate and entrepreneur Hana Assafiri. Below is an edited transcript of Clare’s remarks and Hana’s response. The conversation was an excellent example of plurality and building on ideas to establish a contemporary and... Read More
“A vibrant clash of passions”: exploring agonistic democracy
The nature of democracy is an age old question. We are currently witnessing a crisis in representative democracy. Times of crisis present opportunities for questioning assumptions and asking fundamental questions including about our conceptions and practice of democracy. Green Agenda spoke with Associate Professor Sarah Maddison about the concept of agonistic democracy and what it offers for the practice of... Read More

Environment, Peace
The Age of Consequences: the nexus of climate and conflict
The Age of Consequences is a documentary film exploring how climate change stressors interact with societal tensions, sparking conflict. The film unpacks how water and food shortages, drought, extreme weather, and sea-level rise function as ‘accelerants of instability’ and ‘catalysts for conflict’, with grave implications for peace and security in the 21st century The film is being shown in Australia... Read More
Economy, Social Justice
Postcapitalism: An interview with Paul Mason
Green Agenda Editors Clare Ozich and Simon Copland spoke to Paul Mason, journalist and author of Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future. With his bold thesis on how technological development is leading to the end of capitalism and the exciting prospect of what a postcapitalism could look like, we had a lot to discuss with Paul. As Paul puts it in... Read More

Economy, Social Justice
Next Economy: an interview with Amanda Cahill
Green Agenda editors Clare Ozich and Simon Copland sat down recently with Amanda Cahill to talk about economic transformation and her new project, Next Economy. Amanda is the Director and Founder of the Centre for Social Change. Her work includes answering the question – what do economic systems that are good for people and the planet look like? [...]
Economy, Environment
World in Transition
The world is rapidly changing around us. It always has done. Change is one thing that is constant. Although with global warming, rising sea levels, growing inequality, the digital revolution there is force behind the notion that we are living through a period of significant transition – both a time of fear and opportunity. Transitions happen at a global, community... Read More

Culture, Social Justice
Queer Liberation: an interview with Dennis Altman
Green Agenda editor Clare Ozich and member of the editorial panel Simon Copland sat down with the academic and gay rights activist Dennis Altman in September 2015. Altman is best known for his pioneering book Homosexual: Oppression and Liberation, released in 1971. He recently released a retrospective of his work,The End of the Homosexual?, in 2013. In this conversation Clare,... Read More
Democracy, Economy, Environment, Peace, Social Justice
Coming soon…….
The what section then looks at the alternative approaches. We’re going to look at the alternatives to the economic, political and social systems of our world. What are the alternatives, what do they look like, and what is the best approach? That’s what we want to discuss here…. [...]
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