
Economy, Environment, Social Justice
The End of Coal: Introduction
The Green Institute has published a collated paper on The End of Coal, asking the questions: How should governments respond to coal’s rapid and terminal decline? Will governments and corporations act to protect people and the planet, or will they try to extract the last drops of profit from coal before it is left it behind? The essays in the... Read More
Economy, Environment, Social Justice
Working for the Environment
Why work and workers matter in the environmental debate It is not hard to imagine that the world of work is a place of deep ecological impact that will be fundamentally changed by endeavours to green the economy. The implications of climate change for all workers and employers are enormous: the International Labour Organisation (ILO) suggests that 80 per cent... Read More

Economy, Environment
World in Transition
The world is rapidly changing around us. It always has done. Change is one thing that is constant. Although with global warming, rising sea levels, growing inequality, the digital revolution there is force behind the notion that we are living through a period of significant transition – both a time of fear and opportunity. Transitions happen at a global, community... Read More
Democracy, Economy, Environment, Peace, Social Justice
Coming soon…….
The what section then looks at the alternative approaches. We’re going to look at the alternatives to the economic, political and social systems of our world. What are the alternatives, what do they look like, and what is the best approach? That’s what we want to discuss here…. [...]
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Resisting the ‘law of greed’
What is an investor-state dispute settlement? It's complicated, but it has the potential to bridge traditional political divides, as Kyla Tienhaara explains. [...]
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Response by Godfrey Moase to “Securing Economic Rights”
For me the question is a “how”. How can we, the people, secure our economic rights? We must go beyond “asserting” our economic rights and instead take action to “secure” them. Much work has been done on what those new economic rights should be. Personally, I believe a universal basic income is necessarily one of the rights that we should... Read More
Democracy, Economy, Environment, Peace, Social Justice
Why Green Agenda?
Welcome to Green Agenda, an online publishing project of the Green Institute, that aims to explore contemporary green politics and philosophy. Green Agenda had its genesis in conversations about the broken state of political debate in this country. There is more, and must be more, to politics and public debate than repeating the ways in which any particular government is bad. When... Read More