Articles by

Green Agenda | Towards Ecological Democracy
Democracy, Economy, Environment, Social Justice

Towards Ecological Democracy – Part 2

This is part two of Tim Hollo’s essay, Towards Ecological Democracy. To read part one, go here. Be part of the conversation! We’d love to hear your thoughts on Tim’s ideas. We’re looking for comments and responses covering any parts of Tim’s essay. Your response can be long or short, critical or positive. If you’d like to respond, get in contact here. ... Read More

by , 6 years ago

Democracy, Economy, Environment, Social Justice

Towards Ecological Democracy – Part 1

Be part of the conversation! We’d love to hear your thoughts on Tim’s ideas. We’re looking for comments and responses covering any parts of Tim’s essay. Your response can be long or short, critical or positive. If you’d like to respond, get in contact here.  Introduction In 2018, the issues that the Greens have made our focus for a generation... Read More

by Tim Hollo , 6 years ago

Towards Ecological Democracy - Part 1

Democracy, Peace, Social Justice

Fairness To Fascism: Trump’s Bait And Switch

“Forgotten men and women”. “Struggling families”. “Mothers and children trapped in poverty”, not “sharing the wealth” of “the establishment”. On one reading, Donald Trump’s inauguration speech is full of left wing imagery and ideas. So much so that I have seen it explicitly suggested that it was the kind of speech that Bernie Sanders might have given. Following his rejection... Read More

by , 7 years ago

Culture, Economy, Social Justice

Confronting Advertising: the elephant in the bus shelter

This is an edited version of a presentation to the UNSW / Australian Earth Laws Alliance conference, Building the New Economy, Sydney, August 15. It is also the first stage in a larger research paper being prepared for the Green Institute. Comment, feedback and ideas are welcome. —————————————————————————————— Confronting Advertising: The elephant in the bus shelter Here is how Nancy... Read More

by Tim Hollo , 8 years ago

Economy, Environment, Social Justice

The End of Coal: Introduction

The Green Institute has published a collated paper on The End of Coal, asking the questions:  How should governments respond to coal’s rapid and terminal decline? Will governments and corporations act to protect people and the planet, or will they try to extract the last drops of profit from coal before it is left it behind? The essays in the... Read More

by , 8 years ago

Culture, Environment, Social Justice

It’s the culture, stupid!

Culture is a wonderful word, isn’t it? It’s one of those words which means different things to different people and in different contexts, from opera to the microbes that turn milk into yoghurt. For our purposes, the relevant definition from the Oxford English Dictionary is “[t]he ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society”. American artistic activist... Read More

by Tim Hollo , 9 years ago