Articles by Katie Johnson
- Profile
- Katie Johnson is a secondary English teacher of eight years experience. In her five years as Head of English, a key responsibility was designing and implementing curricula. Since the UK government mandates around English teaching were becoming increasingly regressive, fulfilling this responsibility was challenging. Attempts to foster critical consciousness were frequent but challenging to realise. This was the topic of her Master’s thesis, based around the impact of introducing A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. She hopes her experience in Australian schools may provide an insight into more progressive, critical approaches to English teaching.

Culture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda 2024:1
Denying diversity and the betrayal of multicultural education
The Victorian Institute of Teaching’s teacher registration policies reflect colonial biases by excluding culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) educators. Discriminatory policies, particularly around language requirements and teaching experience, not only exacerbate the country’s teacher shortage but also fail to serve the needs of CALD students. Dismantling systemic barriers to teacher registration is necessary to create a more equitable and inclusive... Read More