Articles by Josh McGee

Josh McGee is the founder and convenor of Basic Income Australia - Melbourne. You can find out more about their work at

How Much Does a Basic Income Cost?
Economy, Featured, Social Justice

How Much Does a Basic Income Cost?

When discussing the topic of a Basic Income, the cost of the program is often people’s first question. After all, if the program were to deliver “an unconditional livable wage to every permanent resident” when the Henderson poverty line is ~$24,000/year and the population of Australia is ~24,600,000, back of the envelope calculations cost a Basic Income at approximately $590,000,000,000/year!... Read More

by , 5 years ago

Economy, Social Justice

Why Progressives Should Prioritise UBI Over A Job Guarantee

In 2018 there seems to be no hotter topic amongst progressives: should we have a Universal Basic Income (UBI) or a Job Guarantee? The answer is quite simple: both, obviously. There is nothing inherent in one that excludes the other and a world in which people unconditionally have their needs met alongside a clear path through which they can contribute... Read More

by Josh McGee , 6 years ago

Why Progressives Should Prioritise UBI Over A Job Guarantee