Articles by Jo Vallentine

Culture, Democracy, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:2 - On Living Democracy, Peace
We mustn’t shy away from the reality of our plight
I like the way Tim Hollo claims that it’s the end of the world as we know it, “and I feel fine.” I try to keep up with the latest from adventurous Greens, so when I heard about Tim's book I thought I’ll have to read that, immediately ordering a copy online. [...]
Environment, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Summer 2021, Peace, Social Justice
A fiery trifecta
We are in the midst of a fiery trifecta of crises: climate, covid, nuclear. They’re all connected, and all capable of great damage, and of great transformation. The climate crisis just keeps getting worse, as governments refuse to take the bold and necessary actions to limit global warming to 1.5%. This challenge has been sneaking up on us for more... Read More