Articles by David Paris

David Paris managed digital communications for former Australian Greens Leaders Bob Brown, Christine Milne, and their parliamentary teams. He then managed media, communications, and digital and communications policy for former Senator Scott Ludlam. He has worked on social, environmental, media and digital rights campaigns with NGOs in the UK, EU, USA, Canada and Australia. He is currently a freelance campaigner and writer.

Government’s war on secrecy makes us less safe - Image of glowing smashed monitors in blackness
Culture, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Autumn 2021, Peace, Social Justice

Government’s secrecy war makes us less safe

When the Australian government announced in April last year that they would be developing and deploying a smartphone application to assist contract tracing efforts as the coronavirus pandemic started to impact Australia, there was immediate and vocal public scepticism. It came from privacy advocates and the technology sector, but also human rights advocates and the broader public. The trickle of... Read More

by , 4 years ago

Culture, Featured, Green Agenda Quarterly Journal Summer 2021

Facebook lets the world burn

It was never going to go well. Attempting to prop up the media sector while reigning in the tech giants with one bill was always going to be chaotic, but even then, the impact of Facebook’s Australian news content ban last Thursday was more widespread than almost anyone anticipated. The government passed their revised News Media Bargaining Code through the... Read More

by David Paris , 4 years ago

Facebook Lets the World Burn

Green Agenda - Cambridge Analytica
Culture, Democracy, Social Justice

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Analytica?

The extraordinary revelations from the Observer/Channel 4 investigation into the practices of the digital marketing firm Cambridge Analytica have, like many a great internet controversy, produced great outrage but few answers or ways forward. People are rightly horrified at the prospect of such comprehensive personal information being used to manipulate them by the million, but also daunted by the task... Read More

by , 7 years ago