Climate Hope: Spring 2021 Edition call for contributions

Climate Hope: Spring 2021 Edition call for contributions

The sixth IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Assessment Report has once again sent the message loud and clear: it is imperative that we act on climate change, and that we act now. The report, compiled by hundreds of scientists from around the globe, found that we have already made significant and irreversible change to our climate, and that it is affecting every part of the globe now. Most notably the change is happening faster than expected, meaning we are very likely to cross over 1.5 degrees of global heating sooner than previously thought.

In amongst the gloom however, there remains hope. While the IPCC painted a dark picture, scientists have also told us that all is certainly not lost. We can turn things around, and we can do it now. All it takes is the will for it to happen.

In the wake of the latest IPCC report therefore, Green Agenda is calling for pitches for our Spring 2021 edition, themed around Climate Hope.

This is not an edition about climate science – the science is settled. It is also not an edition about why things aren’t working. We’ve all read a lot about that! Instead, we want to know about the action that is happening on climate change – how movements are building, how we’re overcoming the power of the fossil industry, how and why clean and green energies are booming, and how we are changing Governments. Most importantly we want pieces that look at how we can build and grow these movements to achieve what we need to turn this around.

We know we need action on climate change, and we need it now. So we want to hear about how that action is happening. We know it won’t be perfect, and we can talk about that. But we also think it’s time for some climate hope, enough to inspire us all to get it done!.

We’d love to receive proposals from a range of policy and practice – please get in touch with your ideas.
There are also some great pieces already here at Green Agenda that you can look to for inspiration.

Submitting a pitch – deadline 24 September, 2021

We welcome contributions from everyone. Contributions from young people, First Nations people, women, members of the LGBTIQA+ community, and people from within the Asia-Pacific region are especially encouraged. You are also welcome to submit a co-authored piece.

We are looking for short opinion pieces, policy, politics and practice reflections, and are also open to photo essays or other creative pieces.

To submit a pitch summarising your piece or idea, of no more than 200 words, fill in our Contributions Form. Please include “Spring Edition 2021 Pitch” at the start of your brief. Final written pieces need to be a minimum of 1000 words (1000-2500 words is ideal) or of equivalent contribution if in another medium.

We are pleased to be able to compensate authors for their pieces. Commissioned authors will be paid $200 for their piece.

The deadline for abstracts is 24 September 2021, with approximately three weeks from commission agreement to submit.