Social Justice

Green Agenda | Towards Ecological Democracy
Democracy, Economy, Environment, Social Justice

Towards Ecological Democracy – Part 2

This is part two of Tim Hollo’s essay, Towards Ecological Democracy. To read part one, go here. Be part of the conversation! We’d love to hear your thoughts on Tim’s ideas. We’re looking for comments and responses covering any parts of Tim’s essay. Your response can be long or short, critical or positive. If you’d like to respond, get in contact here. ... Read More

, 6 years ago

Democracy, Economy, Environment, Social Justice

Towards Ecological Democracy – Part 1

Be part of the conversation! We’d love to hear your thoughts on Tim’s ideas. We’re looking for comments and responses covering any parts of Tim’s essay. Your response can be long or short, critical or positive. If you’d like to respond, get in contact here.  Introduction In 2018, the issues that the Greens have made our focus for a generation... Read More

by , 6 years ago

Towards Ecological Democracy - Part 1

Can Art Really Make A Difference?
Culture, Social Justice

Can Art Really Make A Difference?

Can art really make a difference? In this article republished from The Conversation, Associate Professor Joanna Mendelssohn argues that in the creation of art, we can challenge assumed knowledge and power and “awaken the conscience of the world”, acting as witnesses to crimes against people and the environment, and enabling others to view the world differently. [...]

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, 6 years ago

Culture, Democracy, Social Justice

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Analytica?

The extraordinary revelations from the Observer/Channel 4 investigation into the practices of the digital marketing firm Cambridge Analytica have, like many a great internet controversy, produced great outrage but few answers or ways forward. People are rightly horrified at the prospect of such comprehensive personal information being used to manipulate them by the million, but also daunted by the task... Read More

by , 6 years ago

Green Agenda - Cambridge Analytica

Culture, Democracy, Social Justice

Lost In The Numbers: The Missing Politics Of Big Data

Everyone encounters big data: via social media, financial transactions and public transport. Although all of these things are useful and fascinating, they simultaneously arouse feelings of discomfort: how far does the – largely invisible – influence of all of these data collections reach? In this article republished from Green European Journal, they interview Marleen Stikker, an expert who has been... Read More

, , and , 6 years ago

Culture, Democracy, Social Justice

Turned Upside Down: Fake News And The Future Of The Media

A revolution is taking place in our communication. Across the world, structures have collapsed because of their dependence on a funding model that no longer works. This has allowed new digital platforms to expand their reach ever further, and to tighten their grip on the information we circulate and are exposed to. Fake news is thriving in this new media... Read More

by and , 6 years ago

Social Justice

Refugee Justice in the Global Crisis: Where to from Here?

Pessoptimism, noun, the inextricably intertwined feelings of hope and despair, of desire and knowledge, under the current untenable political conditions Stephen Wright describes aptly the state of refugee justice in Australia today as a symptom of much broader malaise: ‘The existence of the detention centre on Nauru is a critical marker of the failure of our ability to maintain a... Read More

, 7 years ago

Democracy, Social Justice

Legacy of the Russian Revolution: An interview with Bea Campbell

In a wide-ranging interview, UK writer and political commentator, Bea Campbell, spoke to Green Agenda editor, Clare Ozich, about the legacy of the Russian Revolution and communism; feminism and the end of equality; Green politics; and the current state of UK politics.     [...]


... Read More

by and , 7 years ago

Democracy, Social Justice

Public debates on rights: necessary and positive

Green Agenda co-editor, Simon Copland, responds to Hayley Conway and Mary Tomsic  In Voting on the Rights of Others Hayley Conway argued against public votes on the rights of others as “a vote affirming the rights of a minority doesn’t lead to systemic change.” She continued: “Systemic change is needed to end discrimination. Winning the ‘yes’ vote in the postal... Read More

, 7 years ago

Democracy, Peace, Social Justice

How Should We Respond To The Rise Of The Far-Right?

The rise of the far right in countries around the world is opening up important questions about how the left should respond. While anti-fascist groups have become active, their tactics have been criticised and debated. Following our interview with Jason Wilson on the threat of the far-right, Green Agenda presents two differing perspectives on how the left should respond to the rise... Read More

by and , 7 years ago