Articles by Margaret Blakers

Margaret Blakers OEM is a long-time environmental activist, founder of The Green Institute, former convenor of the Global Greens, and organiser of Australia's first Bird Atlas.


Forests Not Woodlots

This article was written in response to Rosemary Beaumont’s article: It is Everyone’s Forest Rosemary Beaumont’s article is timely. The Great Southern Forest is part of a larger picture which will see the fate of over 6 million hectares of Australia’s most loved native forests decided between now and 2021. Either they will be handed to the logging industry for... Read More

by , 7 years ago

Culture, Environment

Australian Life

Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Of beauty rich and rare Taking stock We live in an extraordinary land. Australia’s natural environments, and the wildlife that they support, are unlike those of any other place. Australia is home to more than half a million different species. Most occur nowhere else. Many are of remarkable antiquity. [...]

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by Margaret Blakers , 9 years ago