Articles by Drew Hutton

Drew Hutton is a veteran environmental campaigner. He was a founding member of both the Queensland Greens and Australian Greens and was the main spokesperson for the Queensland Greens for many years. In 2010 he began the Lock the Gate campaign in Queensland. This brought farmers, environmentalists, traditional owners and others together to fight inappropriate coal and unconventional gas developments. In 2011 he became the president of the national Lock the Gate alliance that now has active campaigns all around the country. He is also currently co-coordinator of Lock the Gate’s mine rehabilitation campaign. Drew has written widely on environmental history and politics and on social movements. He is currently working on a book entitled, The Long March of the Generation of ‘68.

Economy, Environment, Social Justice

The End of Coal: Transition

The Green Institute has published a collated paper on The End of Coal. The essays in the paper argue that not only that change is coming, but also that, if we embrace and accelerate that change, it brings with it tremendous opportunities to build a better, fairer democracy, economy and society. In our second piece publishing extracts from the paper,... Read More

by and , 9 years ago