Articles by Dr Virginia Marshall
- Profile
- Dr Virginia Marshall is a Wiradjiri Nymba woman from NSW and leading scholar on Aboriginal water rights in Australia. Her seminal book Overturning Aqua Nullius (2017) includes a foreword by renowned human rights advocate and former judge, the Hon Michael Kirby. Virginia is an academic at the Australian National University and a practicing lawyer who is passionate about Indigenous rights, with a long history of volunteering her legal skills to support Aboriginal peoples. Virginia’s academic work lies at the intersection of the law, regulation and science, lecturing on Indigenous Australians and the Law, Indigenous water rights and the impact of climate change on Indigenous peoples. Virginia’s postdoctoral research includes a comparative analysis of Indigenous water rights regimes in the Pacific Rim to inform the development of an Indigenous water rights framework for Australia. She is a member of ANU’s Climate Change Institute and on the Australian Studies Institute’s Advisory Board.

Culture, Democracy, Environment
Indigenous Communities Should Be At The Forefront Of Action On Climate Change
Dr Virginia Marshall is providing a keynote address at the upcoming Green Institute Conference, Cultivating Democracy. Register now! In early September I attended an Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Preparatory Meeting in Mexico City as one of three delegates representing the Australia/Pacific region, where Indigenous delegates from around the world drafted and endorsed a Commitment of Indigenous Peoples Action for presentation... Read More