Articles by David Schlosberg
- Profile
- David Schlosberg is Director of the Sydney Environment Institute and Professor of Environmental Politics at the University of Sydney. He is known internationally for his work in environmental politics, environmental movements, and political theory – in particular the intersection of the three with his work on environmental justice. His other theoretical interests are in climate justice, climate adaptation and resilience, and environmental movements and the practices of everyday life. Professor Schlosberg’s more applied work includes justice in adaptation and resilience planning, the social impacts of climate change, and community-based food movements and policy. He is the author or co-author of Defining Environmental Justice (Oxford, 2007), Sustainable Materialism: Environmental Movements and the Politics of Everyday Life (Oxford 2019), and Climate-Challenged Society (Oxford, 2013); and co-editor of both The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society (Oxford 2011), and The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory(Oxford 2016). His articles are on the top-ten cited list of the journals Contemporary Political Theory, Environmental Politics, Ethics and International Affairs, Global Environmental Politics, and WIREs Climate Change. Professor Schlosberg has been a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics, Australian National University, Princeton University, University of Washington, and UC Santa Cruz, among others.

Democracy, Economy, Environment, Featured, Green Agenda 2023:3 - Visions & Movements, Social Justice, Theory, Virtual Issue
Sustainable materialism as political action
Are these kinds of movements the solution to all of our troubles? Absolutely not. Do the mainly white western environmental activists doing this work think it’s everything? Of course not. But are sustainable materialist movements politically valuable? Absolutely. For this project I wanted to examine positive everyday practices, possibilities already being lived, grounded imaginaries, visions for a future that are... Read More